When you study in a women’s college, sisterhood comes naturally to you

Almas Nazeer
2 min readApr 12, 2021

When I was on a holiday an Indian girl came up to me.
She was nervous at first. Then with a shy smile. Then she told me in Hindi

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“This guy wants me to talk to his brother on the phone, he says he is in love with me, it’s silly I know. I asked him to go away.” But he wasn’t going away. Instead chasing her, cutely with the phone saying, “Talk to my brother, I have found a wife”

I turned around and cried “get the fuck out of here or I will call security”
y new girl friend was stunned.

She said, “it’s not that bad, I am solo traveler happens to me whenever I go”.
I kept glaring at the Man until my eyes could no longer spot him, then turned to her “It is bad! It will always be bad. No one troubles girls under my watch.”
For the rest of the tour that day this girl stuck by me, not because she needed protection; because she understood the value of #sisterhood.

Sisterhood, Let’s normalize this.

My experience in St Agnes College or at Pearson India has brought treasures of Sisterhood in my life. I often find it surprising when women talked behind each other’s back, mock at other girls, roll their eyes when other woman is making a presentation. In my head, I m like “girl it’s 2018, which primitive society are u living in?”

I am still shocked when some girls say “I m not like other girls” — Of course you are not!The ‘other girls’ don’t put their fellow sisters down before boys to appear cool.”……………………. My nose is flaring as I type this!

“Not protecting my fellow sister or standing up for another women”, I m sorry I don’t really know what that means.
It’s not that I don’t talk ill about other girls. When I do, my girls correct me: that’s what world needs now..
So you are not yet ready to stand up for a stranger? It’s fine Stand up for your colleagues, friends, sisters when they are bullied.

Next time when someone talks ill about your sister, hear them out, tell them, “okay I understand you are frustrated, U needed to vent out your anger, I heard u, that’s not going to change my perception about her or you. I want u to make amends with her talk to her nicely and explain how u feel, instead of talking to millions of people about her”

That’s sisterhood!



Almas Nazeer

I am gifted. I should be painting and writing. But I would rather scroll endlessly on Instagram. God save me. I write fictional stories sometimes